An educator, psychotherapist, and international consultant, she has trained professionals—with whom she engages in active exchange through an array of networks—in numerous countries.

She has designed and acted as the academic director of a great many international programs for universities and institutions in Latin America and Europe. She and Jorge Sanhueza Rahmer currently co-direct the International Diploma in Dialogic Practices in the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, The Taos Institute, and Fundación Interfas. The year-long diploma entails a network of participants and institutions in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. The diploma is geared to the study, research, and design of dialogic practices and productive dialogues in different fields. It makes use of methodologies based on the development of learning communities and practices; it privileges the original production of an array of local communities bound by an interest in making use of productive dialogic practices that further inclusion and participation.

Academic Posts

Director and professor in the post-graduate program in Systemic Clinical Psychology, School of Psychology, Universidad de Buenos Aires (1994-2010); Professor in the post-graduate program in Administration of Businesses in Crisis, School of Economics, Universidad de Buenos Aires. International visiting professor in the master’s degree and diploma programs in Organizational Psychology, School of Psychology, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile. Professor of Organizational Communication in the Latin American- European Master’s Program in Mediation, Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch, Buenos Aires-Swizerland.  Professor and dissertation advisor, Ph.D. Program, the Taos Institute (USA)-Tilburg University (Netherlands).

She has taught in the MBA program at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario; at the Universidad de Buenos Aires Schools of Law and of Economics; at the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (Resistencia, Chaco province) School of Economics. She has been a guest or visiting professor at: Universidade Luterana do Brasil and Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (Brazil); Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Universidad Mayor, Universidad Diego Portales (Chile); Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Universidad de Manizales, Universidad de Caldas and Grupo Psicología Social Crítica at the Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia); Universidad de La Habana (Cuba); Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora (Mexico); Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain); Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy) and others.

She was a professor in the Family Medicine Department of the University of California at San Francisco Medical School (1973-1983) and the Mental Research Institute, Palo Alto (1977-1982).

Doctoral committees and thesis supervision. She participated in the founding of the doctoral program at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, School of Psychology; she was a member of the doctorate committee there from 1994 to 1999, and she now acts as a consultant to that committee. She has supervised doctoral theses at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and the Universidad de Belgrano, and in the doctoral program at Taos/Tilburg, as well as other institutions. She has sat on thesis committees in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and the Netherlands.